
Classification Of Fumigants According To Chemical Structure

Mar 03, 2023

① Halogenated alkanes such as carbon tetrachloride, dichloroethane, dibromoethane, methyl bromide, chloropicrin, dichloropropane, dibromochloropropane, etc.

② Sulfides such as carbon disulfide, sulfuryl fluoride, gy-81, etc.

③ Phosphides such as aluminum phosphide.

④ Cyanide such as hydrocyanic acid, calcium cyanide, etc.

⑤ Epoxides such as propylene oxide, ethylene oxide, etc.

⑥Alkenes such as acrylonitrile and methallyl chloride.

⑦Benzene such as o-dichlorobenzene, p-dichlorobenzene, azobenzene, etc.

⑧Others such as carbon dioxide, etc. Due to toxicity, safety or environmental issues of some fumigants, they have been banned or will soon be phased out. For decades, although the research progress of fumigants has been slow, fumigants are an extremely effective means to prevent and control harmful organisms, and it is difficult to replace them with other methods. Now we will introduce the fumigants still in use.

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